FORES, in partnership with the Embassy of Germany and the Embassy of France, is pleased to host a webinar on the integration of migrant women into the labour market. What can Sweden, France and Germany learn from each other?
Date: Tuesday the 17th of November 2020
Time: 10.00-12.00 CET
Location: Fores Youtube
In Sweden, the government’s goal is for women and men to have the same conditions and opportunities for economic independence. At the same time, reports have shown that migrant women frequently receive less integration support in terms of hours of language training and labour market measures. It takes time for a woman to get established into the labour market compared with migrant men.
This is not only the case of Sweden, an OECD report shows that it takes longer for migrant women to gain a foothold in the labour market compared to men in all of Europe. Despite many differences in population size and amount of migrants, Sweden, Germany and France face the same challenges when it comes to integrating migrant women into the labour market.
The three countries have different policy approaches towards migrant women and several different integration efforts in place. We have invited experts from Sweden, Germany and France to discuss the countries’ different measures to promote the integration of migrant women. What can the countries learn from each other? What are the specific challenges? And what are the lessons learned?
The webinar will provide an opportunity to compare and contrast approaches to integration and labour market policy in a time where thousands of migrant women are entering the european labour markets for the first time.
On stage
Therese Lindström, Head of the Migration and Integration Program, FORES – Forum for Reforms, Entrepreneurship & Sustainability.
Dr. Carola Burkert
has been working as a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) in Germany since 2005 and has headed the working group “Migration und Integration”; to the end of 2010.
Susanne Ackum
Ph.D. in Economics, Former State Secretary at the Ministry of Finance and Audit General and Director-General (Institute for Labour Market and Education Policy Evaluation (IFAU)).
Catherine Wihtol de Wenden
is Director of research emerita at CNRS, specialised in international migration as a political scientist. She teaches at Sciences Po, Paris.
Sofia Altafi
is co-founder and chairman of the Ester Foundation; an organization that since 2012 has worked to support immigrant women entrepreneurs. In 2015, she received her PhD from the Stockholm School of Economics with a dissertation on credit ratings in the Indian microfinance sector.
Josefine Palmqvist Schultz
is the project manager for the project “Equal entry” run by the Swedish Public Employment Service (PES). Equal entry is a research and labour market integration project applying an intervention designed for newly arrived immigrants, women in particular.
Petra Ornstein
is the researcher for the project “Equal entry” run by the Swedish Public Employment Service (PES).
For questions about the webinar, please contact Therese Lindström.
Fores anordnar i januari varje år en konferens om “Framtidens integration” med olika aktuella teman. Syftet med dessa konferenser är att lyfta och belysa frågor av vikt inom området, att bidra med underlag för beslut baserat på vetenskapliga grunder och kunskap, ge en plattform för diskussion för och med mottagare av integrationsåtgärder och skapa en mötesplats för olika aktörer inom området.
Framtidens integration 2021
Varmt välkommen till konferensen Framtidens integration! För sjunde året i rad ägnar vi en dag åt Sveriges framtida integrationsarbete, i år på temat “Unga vuxna på väg ut i arbetslivet”. Mer information om konferensen och hur du deltar hittar du här!
Tidigare års konferenser
2020: Framtidens integration – det delade ansvaret
2019: Framtidens integration 2019
2018: Vägar till integration
Integration – det delade ansvaret
“Framtidens integration” är en del av Fores arbete på integrationsområdet. På Fores vill vi skapa en samlingsplats för organisationer, företag, myndigheter och kommuner som vill verka för en förbättrad integration och som tror på migrationens möjligheter. Genom att bidra med saklig och vetenskaplig grund för diskussion om hur integration kan förbättras, dela goda exempel och skapa en mötesplats vill vi verka för det delade ansvaret. Läs mer här!
Har du frågor om kommande konferens, vill du bidra till vårt arbete eller vill du samarbeta med oss vid nästa års konferens? Kontakta programchef Therese Lindström för att tala vidare.