Datum: 4 juli 2022
Tid: 14:45 – 15:45
Plats: S:t Nikolai gränd 14, S:t Nicolai kyrkoruin kultudralen, ”St Nicolai Kyrkoruin”
Arrangör: British Embassy, Tankesmedjan Fores
There is currently a global energy insecurity. Is our current way of thinking about energy security fit for purpose? How can Europe transition away from Russian oil and gas while not worsening the cost of living crisis? Are policies for energy security and climate change working in different silos?
The UK and Sweden are among the world’s leaders in the transition to Net Zero. Both countries have also been at the heart of the international response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. An increased focus on energy security is a natural consequence of the war. This seminar will focus on the implications of the recent geopolitical developments on our journey to Net Zero and on how we can work together to find and leverage the synergies between energy security and Net Zero policies. Join the British Embassy in Sweden and the think tank Fores in a discussion on what our countries can learn from each other in the intersection between energy policy and security.
Antony Froggatt, Senior research fellow, Chatham House
Anupama Sen, Head of Policy Engagement, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment
Jeremy Allen, Head of Cost of Energy Review Team, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
Robert Andrén, Director General, Swedish Energy Agency
Tomas Kåberger, Professor, Chalmers University of Technology
Maria Westrin, Head, Head of Unit, Energy Markets, Swedish Energy Agency
Patrik Oksanen, Moderator
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