European Populism and Winning the Immigration Debate

Why are some people opposed to immigration and have more people become negative over time? Did the economic recession boost support for populist, anti-immigration parties? Why do some cast their vote on an anti-immigration party and how does the new media landscape, increasingly dominated by social media, change support for populism?

European Populism and Winning the Immigration Debate provides analyses by some of Europe’s most prominent researchers on the subject. This book lets the reader understand the nature of support for anti-immigration populists in the current European context. In addition to the comprehensive theoretical background, four case studies show how concerns about immigration have been met by politicians and civil society in Sweden, Italy, the Netherlands and Denmark, in order to better understand how immigration can be debated in ways that challenge the populist, anti-immigration message.


  1. Preface by Kenan Malik
  2. Introduction, editor Clara Sandelind, University of Sheffield
  3. A Breakthrough Moment or False Dawn? The Great Recession and the Radical Right in Europe, Matthew Goodwin, University of Nottingham
  4. Is it getting worse? Anti-immigrant attitudes in Europe during the 21st century, Mikael Hjerm and Andrea Bohman, Umeå University
  5. Not that different after all: radical right parties and voters in Western Europe, Wouter van der Brug, Meindert Fennema, Sjoerdje van Heerden and Sarah de Lange, University of Amsterdam.
  6. Populism, Social Media and Democratic Strain, Jamie Bartlett, DEMOS.
  7. The Danish People’s Party in Nørrebro, Jeppe Fuglsang Larsen, Aalborg University.
  8. The Swedish Exception and the Case of Landskrona, Clara Sandelind, University of Sheffield.
  9. Responding to the Populist Radical Right: The Dutch Case, Sjoerdje van Heerden and Bram Creusen, University of Amsterdam.
  10. Acting for Immigrants’ Rights: Civil Society and Immigration Policies in Italy, Maurizio Ambrosini, University of Milan.
  11. Conclusion and Reflections, editor Clara Sandelind, University of Sheffield.

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